You will need the following information for each course participant:
- Full Name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Driving Licence Number (if applicable)
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Any applicable dietary or access requirements
If you know who the participants of the course will be, it is advisable that you find out this information and upload it at the time of booking. If you do not yet know who the course participants wi4ll be and you just want to book a number of spaces at this stage, you have until five working days prior to the course to complete the participant details within your Account example, course dates and times and what they need to bring with them. Please ensure that you have sought the permission of the individuals to pass on this information. If you do not have the necessary permissions to share your employee contact details or do not wish for your employees to be contacted directly, please enter your own contact information to receive the confirmation and reminder details for onward distribution. Dashboard.
We ask for your employees email addresses and mobile numbers so that we can send them course details in advance, for example, course dates and times and what they need to bring with them. Please ensure that you have sought the permission of the individuals to pass on this information. If you do not have the necessary permissions to share your employee contact details or do not wish for your employees to be contacted directly, please enter your own contact information to receive the confirmation and reminder details for onward distribution.